❈ In To Water ❈
"Actively caring for our water supply " We thank you for your visit !
Video especially created for the World word day !
" Live as water ", a movie created for the world water day by Ellen and Lisa (Moma Move). Subtitle from an amerindian song and the water keepers woman group.
Here is the link : www.youtube.com/watch?v=33fjL8kjd9M
About In To Water
In To Water is an association whose purpose is to take care of the water and its reserves.
In To Water campaigns for water awareness - by analysing, for example, the state of international transactions affecting it - and for water in conscience - to promote the respectful use of water all around the world.
To consciously innovate is to maintain a sustainable ethic.
In To Water is a non-religious and non- profit making association.
"Being spokespersons of water"
What are we proposing ?
To bring together people and NGOs to collaborate on projects relating to water, to take care of it and to protect it.
Our sources and perspectives are scientific and relating to up-to-date key informations.
We propose means, situations (conferences, ....) to these people to come together, reflect, analyze the data and fundamental issues.
This also in order to be able to provide a database on our theme as well as to promote innovations. All of these actions have for aim to move towards sustainable and equitable solutions.
For example: festivals, conferences, "artist and scientist residencies (FWCP)", research - action groups, publications, creation of an ethics committee, editorial staff. an international charter, move forward together towards the crucial date of the « World Water Day » organized by the UN,...